Fired or Laid Off While Pregnant in Ontario? A List Of Your Rights

Becoming a parent is one of life's most significant transitions, filled with a healthy mix of anticipation, planning, stress, and joy. That said, for many working parents in Ontario, this period can be overshadowed by challenges at work – sometimes related to accommodations, and in more extreme scenarios, being fired or laid off while pregnant or on maternity leave.
As a mom myself, and with experience representing working mothers, this topic is close to my heart.
If you're pregnant or on maternity leave in Ontario, and you've been laid off or fired, this post will outline some of your rights in an effort to help you successfully navigate this challenging situation.
Key takeaways
- You’re protected from pregnancy discrimination: Under Ontario law, pregnancy or maternity leave cannot in any way influence an employer’s decision to let you go. If it does, that is considered discrimination.
- Layoffs must be legitimate: Being pregnant does not completely shield you from genuine layoffs or reorganizations. However, employers must provide proper notice or severance if it is truly unrelated to pregnancy.
- You have the right to return: After your maternity or parental leave, you must be offered your original job (or a comparable one) with no loss in pay, seniority, or benefits.
- Benefits and accommodations: Employers must continue your workplace benefits during leave and reasonably accommodate any medical needs (e.g., modified duties or schedule).
- Speak with a lawyer if pregnancy factored in: If you suspect your pregnancy played any role in losing your job, do not sign any severance package before consulting an employment lawyer. You could be entitled to additional compensation or human rights remedies.
Your protections in Ontario when fired or laid off while pregnant
Did you know that pregnancy is a protected ground as per the Ontario Human Rights Code? That means that an employer cannot terminate you for any reason related to your pregnancy. Ontario's legal system is designed with protections for pregnant employees and those on maternity or parental leave. These protections are grounded in several key principles and are important to know, especially if you've been wrongfully terminated:
Non-discrimination based on pregnancy or maternity leave:
- Employers cannot make unfavourable employment decisions based on an employee's pregnancy, maternity, or parental leave status
- This doesn't only include decisions like termination or demotion, but also being passed over for a promotion, transfer, etc.
- Employers cannot alter the terms and conditions of employment without your consent
- Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 even specifies that employees on maternity or parental leave must have their positions protected, ensuring that their roles cannot be eliminated solely due to their absence while on leave
Right to return following maternity or parental leave:
Employees are guaranteed the right to return to their role (or a comparable role) with the same compensation and employment conditions as they had before taking leave
Continuation of benefits while on maternity or parental leave:
Employees are entitled to continue receiving benefits, such as health and dental insurance, throughout the duration of their maternity or parental leave
Equal treatment for employees that are pregnant or on maternity leave:
The Ontario Human Rights Code requires equal treatment in employment without discrimination based on sex, which encompasses pregnancy and childbirth
If you're laid off or terminated as a result of your pregnancy, maternity, or parental leave, you may be entitled to additional damages
Duty to accommodate for pregnant employees or those returning after maternity leave:
Employers are required to accommodate the needs of pregnant employees and new parents to the point of undue hardship
This may include accommodations such as flexible working hours, leaves for medical appointments, and temporary changes to job duties
Notice of termination while pregnant or on maternity leave:
If an employee is terminated for reasons unrelated to their pregnancy or leave (corporate restructuring as an example), they're entitled to appropriate notice or compensation in lieu of notice
Other frequently asked questions (FAQ)
"Can my employer fire me just because I am pregnant?"
No. Under Ontario’s Human Rights Code, pregnancy and maternity leave are protected grounds. If your pregnancy is even part of the reason for your termination, it is considered discrimination.
"What if my employer says my position is gone while I am on maternity leave?"
Employers can reorganize or restructure, but they cannot target your job simply because you are on leave. If your role truly no longer exists, they must provide a comparable position or the proper severance you would otherwise be entitled to.
"Am I still owed notice or severance if I am legitimately laid off for business reasons?"
Yes. Even if the layoff is unrelated to your pregnancy, you must receive proper notice (or pay in lieu) and any owed severance according to the Employment Standards Act and, potentially, common law.
"Do I have the right to return to my job after maternity leave?"
Generally, yes. You should be offered your old job or a comparable one with the same pay, benefits, and status. If your employer fails to honour this, it may be a violation of your rights.
"What should I do if I think my pregnancy played a role in my termination?"
Do not sign any release or settlement offer without legal advice. Contact an employment lawyer right away to review the circumstances, protect your rights, and pursue a fair resolution if discrimination occurred.
The bottom line, if you've been fired while pregnant or on maternity leave in Ontario, contact an employment lawyer
Because of Ontario’s many protections for employees during pregnancy, maternity or parental leave, it’s imperative to consult with an experienced employment lawyer after being laid off or terminated. They can evaluate your unique circumstance, assess whether your employer has adhered to their legal requirements, and help you navigate your next steps while acting as your advocate.
It’s also important to remember not to sign any termination papers or agreements before consulting with a lawyer. Remember, your rights during pregnancy, maternity or parental leave are protected, and legal recourse is available to ensure these rights are upheld.
If you’ve been terminated while pregnant or on maternity leave in Ontario, Kompa Law can help. We’re a boutique employment and human rights law firm with the expertise to help you navigate this challenging situation. Request a callback to learn more.